Digital On-Ramps assists organizations with improving their training and educational programs for youth and adults. DOR provides workshops, professional development, and implementation assistance to non-profit and higher education organizations across Philadelphia.

Interested in learning more? Contact us at

The Job Seeker badges were created in conjunction with the Southwest Job Readiness Labs (JRL). A partnership between the Free Library of Philadelphia, Soutwest CDC, Philadelphia Works, and the Office of Adult Education.

The JRLs provide FREE computer internet access and one-on-one assistance for creating or updating résumés, setting up email and other online accounts, conducting internet searches, and applying for jobs online.

We also offer weekly workshops, bimonthly employment "boot camps," and quarterly community open houses that all help job seekers hone "soft skills" and provide networking opportunities that pave the way for job seekers in today’s employment market.

For more information on upcoming events, check out our Facebook pages: