Start earning your Job Seeker Badges today!

Are you interested in earning your Job Seeker badges? Follow these simple steps to get started.

  • Meet your Computer Instructor

    The Job Seeker badging program is currently run out of Paschalville Branch of the Free Library and a few different KEYSPOT community computer labs. Find the computer instructor at your location and they'll sign you up and get you started today.

  • Get your Stamp Card

    The Job Seeker badge program is using a stamp card that will allow you to keep track of the badges that you've earned. Your computer instructor will assign you a card and get you started on your first badge. Don't worry if you lose your card, you'll also receive emails as you earn your digital badges.

  • Start Learning!

    Head over to the learning pathway and select your first badge to start on. Read over the tutorials and instructions. When you're confident that you can demonstrate the skills, just flag down your computer instructor and demonstrate your skills.